Suitsat 2 has moved in fits and spurts and not even close to a straight line towards its goal. During the past few days, we have pushed on and received movement in several areas. I believe working hardware for this can and will be produced and that leadership will exert direct influence on this path. I am NOT in a leadership position but a grunt trying to get some of the pieces done.
I worked a plan with project management tonight (Feb. 4) to provide some serious documentation leadership so we can get the tough interconnection pieces done in a timely fashion and then glue the experiments together.
Suitsat was a big success the first time and it was fun being the first to "get" the picture and identify what it was. It was decided that Suitsat 2 should be undertaken but be more ambitious in its scope as can be seen here and here. The project is based on the use of Microchip's dsPIC33 as a low power SDR capable dsp engine. ARISS is an international program who mission is to promote use of amateur radio on the International Space Station.
The transmissions from this package will be receivable by anyone with some simple equipment and my fingers are crossed for its eventual success.
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